Category Archives: Entrepreneurial Journey

Michael and Yuri

Unveiling the Impact of GenAI on Private Equity and Industry Transformation

Generative AI (GenAI) is making waves across various sectors, and its potential to revolutionize industries has become a hot topic. In a recent discussion, Michael Jacobides, the Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Professor of Strategy at London Business School, alongside Yuri Romanenkov, the Academic Director of the Next Generation Digital Strategies […]

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John Mullins

Why Mindsets Matter: Insights from Professor John Mullins

As a three-time entrepreneur and seasoned business school professor, John Mullins has spent decades delving into the world of entrepreneurship. His journey, marked by successes and failures, has provided invaluable insights into what drives entrepreneurial ventures to thrive. He shares his reflections below. In my initial career as a three-time entrepreneur – with a victory, […]

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Work fast, iterate and be ridiculously obsessive – Brent Hoberman on building a successful company

The co-founder of,, Founders Forum and Founders Factory speaks at London Business School about his entrepreneurship journey – and offers some sage advice to his younger self as well as the next generation of founders Brent Hoberman is one of the most well-known names in modern British business. He is the Co-Founder and […]

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Meet the winners of HackLBS 2024

A digital affiliate marketing aggregator, an event planning app for friends and an AI-powered pest management tool were this year’s winners of our fiercely competitive HackLBS competition held on 2-3 March 2024 at Nuffield Hall, London Business School. About the hackathon Aspiring entrepreneurs with big ambitions to solve real-world challenges gathered at London Business School […]

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Futuristic startup robot with sleek, metallic design shaking hands with a human executive dressed in a formal

The Future is Not What It Used to Be: A Yogi Berra View on the Evolution of Startup-Corporate Dynamics

Startups and corporations face a transformative year, with challenges and shifts opening new strategies for collaboration and success. As we cap off the start of the year, we reflect on recent dynamics and the shape of opportunities for startups and corporations in the year to come. There is much hope that the current startup winter […]

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Arka Dhar and Ioannis Ioannou in conversation in front of an audience

AI for Good: How is Generative AI going to change the world? 

It was a huge pleasure to host Arka Dhar at our IEPC event last week on “AI for Good”.  While there are many people speaking on this topic, few are as well informed as Arka, the current Product Lead at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and also a recent graduate of our Sloan Programme. Arka’s […]

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Regulations and compliance

Private Equity: Staying Ahead of the Game with Strong Compliance Practices

Private equity firms operate in a complex regulatory landscape that varies by jurisdiction, and navigating these regulations can be a challenge. In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates private equity firms that manage over $150 million in assets under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. This requires private equity firms to […]

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